please put in app/code/Custom/ProductManagement after installation two new commands will be visible in bin/magento usage php bin/magento-php customroductmanagement:activate barcode var/barcode.txt php bin/magento-php customroductmanagement:deactivate barcode var/barcode.txt path can be relative or absolute php bin/magento customroductmanagement:deactivate name var/name.txt Image Resizer Usage: Please make sure to place imageresizer.php file in Magento root directory. Script should have set proper file permission. Script will be looking for „pub/static/catalog/product” catalog, it will fail when it will be not found. To use it please simply run it using following command: "php imageresizer.php”. Script can be configured to be running as a cron job. Additional configuration: By default It will print information that script has begun work, that it has finished work, how much files were processed and how much time it took. Debug information will be printed as well, which will contain information about which file exactly is being processed, it can be disabled by editing file and changing constants values. Change DEBUG value to 0, then no detailed information will be printed out. Change OUTPUT value to 0, then no output will be printed out. Script can be executed in test run, then TEST_RUN value should be set to 1, then script will process only TEST_RUN_COUNT files count. Script will be creating a backup of a files which were converted if BACKUP is set to 1. Output quality is set to 80, it can be modified by setting different value for QUALITY. php bin/magento custom:productmanagement:noimages php bin/magento custom:productmanagement:noimages